Hesitant about Cutting Content Workload?

83% of marketers prioritize quality over quantity. Use AI to elevate your wellness marketing, break vain content cycles, and cure content marketing insomnia.

Mission & Vision:

Empower Wellness Driven Marketers to Cure Content Marketing Insomnia.

Let's Get

Swift Scoop.

Content Marketing is creating and sharing interesting stuff like videos, blogs, or social media posts to tell people about a product or service.

Insomnia is when someone has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, making them feel tired during the day.

📉 The University of Maryland researchers put a price on human insomnia – a staggering annual $100 billion in losses.

Content Marketing Insomnia is the ongoing, unsatisfying quest for new ideas, leading to perpetual busyness without profitability.

⚠️ Imagine the negative impact on your restless brand.

A Brand's Beauty Sleep is the strategic pause in content marketing to focus on quality over quantity, leading to impactful, profitable content.


A Dire Warning

Confront Content Marketing Insomnia.

Step-by-Step Fix These.

Cure Content Marketing Insomnia.

1. Key Audience.

Identify your core recurring content consumers, & paying subscribers.

2. AI Usage.

Dramatically save time, elevate quality, & alleviate stress.

3. Value Tender.

Captivate your audience and drive impactful results.

4. Sleep Hygiene.

Boosts your brand's mental clarity & enhances profitability.

Meet Your Profitable Wordsmith!


I'm passionate about weaving stories, diving deep into research, and embracing innovation.

My journey in utilizing AI for content creation began in 2021 with a tool named ClosersCopy, which revolutionized my writing speed.

But, I soon realized speed is just one piece of the puzzle.

Discovering the Essence of Quality Storytelling

My experience taught me a crucial lesson: fast writing isn't synonymous with effective communication.

It's like driving a race car without a map; exhilarating, yet directionless.

With the advent of advanced tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Co-Pilot, my ability to create quickly was supercharged.

However, the heart of impactful storytelling lies in thoughtful planning and deep understanding.

I believe every brand needs its "Beauty Sleep."

This isn't about taking a break;

It's about dedicating time to introspect, strategize, and clarify the brand's voice before diving into content creation.

It's about crafting a narrative strategy that resonates and connects.

Transforming Your Brand's Story

By meticulously planning and understanding your brand's essence, we ensure that when your brand "awakens," it tells its story not just with speed, but with depth and relevance.

Why Should You Invest Your Time in This Approach?

✨ It ensures every content piece profoundly aligns with your brand's core values and goals.

✨ Speed in content creation is vital, but it's the depth and relevance that truly captivate and engage your audience.

✨ Clients love how their stories are transformed into meaningful, well-structured narratives, turning dreams into reality.

Brands I've Collaborated With.

Highlights from 50+ Happy Clients!


Did a great job of capturing my mission


He is awesome I would work with him again Thanks


The communication was amazing. The seller replied within 30-60 minutes during working hours. I am very happy with the formatting of my ebook. Before, my ebook was a plain old google doc PDF. Now, it looks very lively and amazing. Visually I couldn't have asked for anything more definitely couldn't have done a better job myself. I am grateful for the work that was done. I had some minor visual changes. There were just some items in the ebook I wanted to be changed based on my personal preference. A few other changes were needed in the proofreading part of this job. Some words were changed that didn't exactly match the context of my ebook. No problem, the seller made all the revisions.


Seller possess the skill and attitude one would expect to find in a Fortune 500 company. His dedication and ability to take initiative greatly impressed us. He did a good job optimizing our YouTube videos and setting up our Google Adwords campaign. We are very pleased with his stellar accomplishments and have immediately hired him for more long-term tasks.


I am very happy with the outcome. We exchanged a few words and he presented me with a final product that was awesome.


Seller communicated in a timely manner and swiftly made requested revisions to document.


Seller was very descriptive, very helpful. He helped make my package exclusive to my business needs and was very patient with me.


I provided a bloated, overloaded document, and ahkazi97 chiseled it down to snappy, focused information. Thank you very much! Exceeded expectations.


Excellent give him information and watch the magic happen


ordered descriptions of my online store products. Received good texts and I will do more orders in the nearest future.

You'll Get:

  • Resources to produce resonant content.
  • Strategies for sustainable marketing.
  • Techniques to leverage AI efficiently.
  • Methods to Identify Your Ideal Audience.
  • Ways to craft a unique value proposition.
  • Tips to boost audience engagement.
  • Solutions for content fatigue
  • Tricks for sophisticated market monetization.

Bonus 1:

CMID (Content Marketing Insomnia Doctor)

CMID GPTs, your content marketing doctor, prescribes the perfect remedy to cure your insomnia and ignite healthier engagement and growth.

Bonus 2:


Transform your content into cash with Content2Cash GPts—unlocking the power to monetize your creativity like never before!

Bonus 3:

Cold Audience

Leverage GPTs in interviews to better understand cold audiences, refining value propositions & outreach scripts accordingly.

Bonus 4:

(Content Marketing) Cost Cutting Checklist.

Maximize efficiency and skyrocket success with this game-changing approach!

Bonus 5:


Join our exclusive community, a network for content marketing warriors to connect, share, and grow.

Unlock Lifetime Benefits Today😁

Total Worth: $1234+
